Getting Started Documnetation

Project Setup

Database setup

More info on permissions

Initial Setup

Fork and clone the project
cd ojs
git submodule update --init --recursive


To get changes to the application that were made after you forked, add the upstream remote.

git remote add upstream
cd lib/pkp
git remote add upstream
cd ../ui-library
git remote add upstream
cd ../..

Install dependencies with composer.

composer --working-dir=lib/pkp update
composer --working-dir=plugins/paymethod/paypal update
composer --working-dir=plugins/generic/citationStyleLanguage update

Install dependencies with NPM.

npm install
npm run build

If downloading cypress takes times by doing npm install download cypress and run the following

CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=/home/msg/Public/  npm install cypress

Initially application access will redirect to install. Create admin account

To run the application using PHP’s built-in server.

php -S localhost:8000

Run the following commands whenever you want to pull the latest changes to your repository.

Update the app

git checkout master git pull upstream master git push

Update the pkp-lib submodule

cd lib/pkp git checkout master git pull upstream master git push

Update the ui-library submodule

cd ../ui-library git checkout master git pull upstream master git push

cd ../..


When you have pulled down changes from the upstream remote, run the following to sync the lib/pkp and lib/ui-library submodules.

git submodule update --init --recursive

You may need to update dependencies and rebuild the JavaScript package.

composer --working-dir=lib/pkp update
npm install
npm run build

Sometimes a code change will modify the database structure and you will need to run the upgrade script.

php tools/upgrade.php upgrade